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Project Duration  

4 month, Apr 2015


Sketch AI AE

ACTON is a leading smart, personal transportation company.  located in Silicon Valley, California.

In this project, I optimize the Rocket Skates mobile app experience by utilizing measurable data from existing users to make it accessible for users through a cleaner UI, reducing clutter and improving user flow.





a. Low Attractive Community  

​The platform does not provide a mature engagement system (feedback mechanism, incentive mechanism). Therefore, the four functions of the app are not closely connected. The user community was not established well and it is rather difficult to keep users continuously use the app and maintain their loyalty.

The product pays little attention to the psychology of users and the changes of users' moods. It is hard for users to achieve self-realization on the platform.




Provide Sharing Contents

Provides a favorable environment

Establish identification differences among users.





RocketSkates are smart skates that can propel a wearer at up to 12 mph.

When RocketSkates connected App via Bluetooth, users can monitor skates, watch route mapping, Geo-Gaming, and social interactivity; The app is a key to help players keep in touch with other skaters.




In the data analysis upon the data collected during the six months, we found out that among the users who have downloaded Acton app:

13% of players gave up to use the app during the setting-up process.

26%  of players did not open the app when playing RocketSkates.

The data analysis indicates that the user retention rate is rather low, which gives rise to the following question:



Although we have designed these functions:

Route Mapping, Skate Diagnosis, Battery Status, Geo-gaming and social interactivity.

Why players tend to not use the app when they are skating? 

2 Problems

b. Low Usability  

The usability testing highlighted several places of the app that were difficult for users to use.

First, the complex setting-up makes users lose their interest in using the device before they finish the setting-up process.

A part of the elements does not abide by the iOS Human Interface Guidelines or users' habits. The redundant adornments distract users from content and functionality.

   The original setting-up flow   

The Addition


In the original design, the users' skating miles can be accumulated and the total skating mile is the only reflection of the valuing system of the acton app. However, later we found it was difficult to differentiate beginning, intermediate and advanced users if only the mile figure was taken into consideration. 


Based on our user research,rocketskates players want a tangible measurement of their accomplishments for personal satisfaction and to make comparisons with other competitors. Hence the original design cannot satisfy the competing desire of users.

To build a highly competitive community we designed a new point-level system in which users can gain points in two different ways, so as to obtain different identifications: 







Retaining the original functions of the app,we improve the workflow and the interface of the app by subtracting and adding new functions.


The Addition is to add an engagement system. Encourage new members to join and stay at the community, activate old users. Increase users’ loyalty and stickiness.

The Subtraction is to simplify the user interface and user flow by removing unnecessary elements and process, to emphasize contents and improve the usability of the app.


Improvements 1

How to get your points?

Firstly,users can use route-tracking to record their skating miles. Then the system will calculate their points (one mile for one point) according to the miles.

Secondly,users can win points by participating in the built-in group games in the app.

     in Route Tracking     

1 mile =           point

  New Design  

1 win  =           point

     in Group Games      

Finally, users will be classified into 5 levels according to the points they gained.


a way to show identity.

  New  Design  

<            Points


>            Points








The Addition





In the old version interface, only users whose skating miles are ranked top 50 are listed at the interface. 

In the new interface, we add a monthly ranking as a new way for users to check their ranks.  Created a favorable competitive environment for new users and an incentive mechanism for old users. 

Moreover, a one-key sharing function is introduced this time. This function enables users to publish their ranks on Facebook or Twitter, which offers a convenient approach for users to post their personal information on other social networking platforms.

  Original Interface  

    New Design

Through user research, we found that new users were more active than old users, especially in the first two months when they explored the usage of rocket skates.


When users begin to get accustomed to using the product, they are enthusiastic about it and have a stronger desire for feedback.  

The Subtraction


What do you think about the original onboarding experience?

​According to usability testing on the original onboarding experience, averagely it takes 6 minutes for users to finish 8 steps before reaching the app home screen. The user data reveals that users will abandon their registration if they cannot use other functions of the app unless they have done with the complicated logging in process.

The Subtraction




Our research indicates that users usually give up if they cannot use other functions of the app unless they have gone through the complex Sign up process.


When designing for the new logging-in process, we hope users can browse more information and use partial functions without Sign up. We added a  “sign up later” button as a new way for new users to explore this app without creating a new account.




The Subtraction


Lastly, I redesigned the app to ask for permission only when the user needs it to unlock related functions. This helped users have less distraction when they first sign up for the app.

 Original Interface  

    New Design

The Subtraction




  Original Interface  

From “ weight, gender, birth date, height, user name, email, and password,

    New Design

Users only need to enter “name, email, password

before trying the service.

How could we properly onboard first time users,

for them to have the best first experience possible?

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